PLEASE NOTE: To cancel, please call the Chamber 24 hours prior to the event to avoid being charged.
2025 Business Breakfast Series Schedule
January 9: Hot Topics in Human Resources Law. Esquire Gregg Frame, Taylor, McCormanck & Frame LLC will share valuable HR information. Whether you are a large employer with an HR department, or a small business, employers need to be prepared for a number of upcoming changes. This interactive discussion will explore changes in exempt employee status, evolving law around non-competes and NDAs, paid and unpaid leaves and the meaning of being an at-will employer. Register to attend.
February 13: Guiding the Kennebec Valley Forward. United Way of Kennebec Valley Director of Community Impact, Katelyn Pushard, presents on Impact2032 is already making strides. Hear how organizations are getting involved, progress made so far, and how to become part of shaping our community's future. Register to attend.
March 13: Creating the Housing Supply that Maine People and Maine's Economy Needs. Greg Payne, senior advisor on Housing Policy in the Governor's Office of Policy Innovation and the Future, will discuss the latest information about our housing needs, barriers to production and state policy initiatives to address them. He will focus on ways that the Governor and Legislature are approaching housing issues and how business leaders can effectively engage in the process. Register to attend.
April 10: Artificial Intelligence: What is it, How Does It Work- and How Can It Help Me? Randolph Jones will explore the phenomenon of AI. He has a PhD in artificial intelligence and works in Soar Tech, an AI company he co-founded in 1998. It is focused on building "human-centered artificial intelligence" for various applications and will share how it could be useful in your life and your organization. Register to attend.
May 1: How to Make the Most Out of Attending a Trade Show- Before, During and After. Nancy Marshall, CEO of Marshall Communications, will present an interactive workshop on this topic. Going to trade shows can be expensive. If you or anyone on your team goes to trade shows, Nancy will explain how to maximize your engagement and cultivate relationships with current and prospective customers. Register to Attend.
September 11: What is Business Exit Planning, and What is the Buzz About ESOP's? Join Mark Ford, CBEC (former CPA) principal at Great Pond Consulting, LLC and Susan Scherbel, Esq., president BAS Financial Holdings/Bellview Associates LLC, to better understand the business exit process. They will cover different exit options including a focus on Employee Stock Option Plans. Register to Attend.
October 2: Legislative Topic: TBD. Register to Attend.
November 13: Digital Marketing Tips for Your Organization. A representative from NEWSCENTER Maine will focus on utilizing digital marketing to improve the reach of your organization. This media channel can be used to target the customer base you are looking to engage. Register to attend.
December 11: Non-Profit Sustainability Plan- How to Evolve with the Changing Times. President & CEO Ken Walsh of Alfond Youth & Community Center will discuss various aspects of nonprofit challenges. How do you stay true to one's mission while remaining sustainable, diversify revenue, and stay relevant to your constituents. Register to Attend.
Cost Per Person: $25 for members, $30 at the door and non-members.
Each Business Breakfast is recorded and aired on Crossroads TV Channel 1301.
Thursdays-6:00 p.m.
Fridays-6:00 p.m.
Saturdays-9:00 a.m.
Sundays-10:00 a.m.
Mondays-6:00 a.m.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Annual Sponsor of nine breakfasts:
TV coverage: Local access on Crossroads TV – Channel 1301.
Promotional credit in all press releases; e-mails including Chamber members, CED students, traditional students and alumni at Thomas College, flyers, inserts and articles about the Business Breakfast Series in the Morning Sentinel. In addition, Community Connection as well as the Thomas College Magazine and the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce newsletter, InTouch. In addition, sponsor's logo is on all registration forms in the InTouch newsletter.
Table display area is available for your literature at each breakfast.
Recognition of sponsorship during introductions at the breakfast, as well as on the presentation screen during the breakfast with your logo.
Web site promotion on Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce & Thomas College sites. Investment to sponsor individual breakfasts are also available, upon request.
For more information, please contact: